Instructional Design Office
Teach with Tech!
University of Houston I Technology
Accessing assignment for grading
When reviewing assignment submissions, you can provide a grade and feedback. You also have the option of returning the submission to the student with comments only, so the assignment can be refined further and then resubmitted for a grade.
QUICK STEPS: Grading Assignments
1. On the Grade Assignment page, view the submission text, attached files, and comments made by the student.
2. Type a Grade for the assignment.
3. Optionally, type comments in the Feedback to User box and attach a file for the student to review. Use the Text Editor functions to format the text and add files, images, links, multimedia, and Mashups.
4. Optionally, type comments in the Grading Notes box and attach files that only you can access.
5. Click Save and Exit to return to the Full Grade Center, the Needs Grading page, or the Grade Details page, depending on where grading began.
Click Save and Next to grade the next assignment, when available.
Click View Previous to view the previous assignment, when available.
Click Save as Draft to return an assignment attempt without a grade with comments only. The assignment remains ungraded and an exclamation mark appears in My Grades and in the Grade Center. Students access your comments through My Grades and can resubmit by accessing the assignment. If you type a score, Save as Draft prevents the score from appearing in the Grade Center and My Grades and the score is not saved.
If multiple attempts for an assignment have been allowed and submitted, a grade may not be released until all of the attempts have been graded. All attempts appear in the contextual menu for the grade’s cell. After selecting an attempt, type a grade and feedback. Click Save and Next or View Previous to navigate between attempts. The last attempt’s grade appears in the cell by default. If the last of the multiple attempts is ungraded, the exclamation mark remains in the cell.
To change the displayed grade to the first attempt, highest grade, lowest grade, or an average of attempts, access the Grade Center column’s contextual menu, select Edit Column Information, and select the attempt to score from the Score attempts using drop-down list.