Instructional Design Office
Teach with Tech!
University of Houston I Technology
Creating question set of randomized questions
1. Go to the Test Canvas page for your test. Click the Reuse Question button. Then click the Create Question Set link.

2. On the Create Question Set page, all available questions are displayed by default.Use the search box to search for specific information, or expand the Criteria drop-down menus.The list of questions displayed will update as you select criteria. Search criteria used is listed under the Criteria Summary above the question list.

3. Refine your list of questions. Preview questions by clicking the Preview button.Select questions by clicking the check-box at the far left of the question, or the checkbox at the top of the column to Select All.

4. When your list of questions for the set is complete, click the Submit button.

5. The Test Canvas page will display. Next to your Question Set a green “Success: Question Set saved. Edit number of questions to display and points” displays.
6. Click the Questions in the Set link to display the list of questions on the Test Canvas page. You can add or delete questions from the set here.

7. Click in the Number of Questions to display box. A window will display.Enter the number of questions to display in the set. If the number to display is less than the total number of questions in the set, students will not receive all the same questions. If the number to display equals the total number of questions, students will all receive the same questions in random order.

8. Click the Submit button.
9. The Test Canvas page will display. Next to your Question Set a green “Success: Question Set saved. Edit number of questions to display and points” displays.