Instructional Design Office
Teach with Tech!
University of Houston I Technology
Sending Email
1. Access Tools and click Send Email.
2.On the Send Email page, click the link for the desired recipient group. A new page appears.

NOTE: From a Blackboard course, you cannot send email to anyone who is not a member of the course. In addition, to cut down on student-to-student email abuse, the Send Email tool allows students to send email messages to all teaching assistant users or all instructor users but not to other students. Instructors can re-enable student-to-student email in their courses through their course’s Control Panel > Customization > Tool Availability > Email – Email Settings [pull-down] link.
3. For Select Users or Select Groups, click to highlight the recipients in the Available to Select box and click the right- pointing arrow to move them into the Selected box.
4. Enter the Subject and Message.
5. Optionally, Attach a file.
6. Click Submit.

To select multiple users in a row, hold down Shift and click. To select users out of sequence, hold down the Control Key and click individual users.
Important tips:
Blackboard Learn keeps no record of sent emails. You will receive a copy of your email in the Inbox of your external email account. Keep a copy of important messages in case you need them at a later date.
Blackboard Learn will NOT recognize files or email addresses with spaces or special characters, such as #, &, %, and $. In general, use only alphanumeric file names and addresses in Blackboard Learn.
Do not send email through Blackboard Learn without content in the subject line. Leaving the subject line blank can prevent the message from being delivered.